Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers

Cool Whip and Jello – a dessert staple in our family since we were kids.  Two great tastes that go great together as the saying goes.  We had the idea to make a Jello Jiggler with Cool Whip inside.  It took a couple of tries in the Two Sisters Test Kitchen to get it just right. but boy did the final version turn out great!  These Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers are mmm …. mmmm … good!

How to Make Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers

You will need:

Dissolve a 3 ounce package of Jello in 3/4 cups of boiling water. Stir until all the jello is completely dissolved.  If you can’t get all the jello dissolved place the bowl in the microwave to heat up the water again.

Spray the molds with cooking spray. (This is an important step because it will make it easier to get the Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers out of the molds at the end.)

Pour a thin layer of jello into each mold.

I was able to fill 12 molds.

Take about a cup or so of Cool Whip and put it into a pastry bag or a ziploc bag.

After pouring in jello, go back and put a teaspoon of so of cool whip in the center of each mold. It’s important that that you put the Cool Whip into the jello that way when the jello sets the cool whip will stay put.

Carefully put the jello into the refrigerator.  If the cool whip moves during this process, use a toothpick or fork to move the cool whip back into the center of the mold (or whatever you want it to be.) Let the Jigglers setup in the refrigerator for 30 mins or so.

Make second 3 oz. box of Jello. Set off to side to cool.  You don’t want to pour the piping hot jello over the cool whip.  You can leave it our for 15-20 mins.  Once it has cooled.  Pull the molds out of the refrigerator and pour your second batch of Jello over the Cool Whip.

Return to the refrigerator.  Let harden for an hour or so.

Remove the Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers from the refrigerator and pop them out of the molds.

The Cool Whip is nestled inside of the Jiggler … so yummy and fun!

Both the kids and the adults at your Holiday family gathering will love these fun and delicious Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers.  Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

P.S. Let’s stay in touch!  If you liked our Christmas Cool Whip Jiggler post follow us on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram!

**This post contains affiliate links but we only recommend products that we actually used and liked. Thanks for supporting Two Sisters Crafting!


**This post contains affiliate links but we only recommend products that we actually used and liked. Thanks for supporting Two Sisters Crafting!

P.S. Let's stay in touch! If you liked our Christmas Cool Whip Jigglers post, follow us on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram!