Champagne Cake Bites

Cake Bites are great for a dinner party or a fancy family get-together. You know … those times when a cake is too much and cupcakes are not enough.  These Champagne Cake Bites really take that idea to the next level. Moist bites of cake topped with our special Champagne Buttercream Frosting.  Even your friends who “don’t like dessert” will ask for a second one!

How to make Champagne Cake Bites

You will  need:

We made up a box of White Cake Mix.  Instead of baking it in a traditional cake pan we lined a cookie sheet with parchment paper and poured the cake mix onto it.

We let the cake batter sit on a flat counter for 10-15 minutes to allow it to settle and even out.  Then we baked the cake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Once the cake has cooled you can cut out your round mini cake bites.  We used a 2″ round biscuit cutter.

Now you need to make a batch of our amazing Champagne Buttercream Frosting.  You can find the recipe with detailed instructions on how to make it right here.

Add a layer of Champagne Buttercream Frosting between the two pieces of white cake.

Finally, add a small swirl of  Champagne Buttercream Frosting to the top of the Champagne Cake Bite.

Finally, for a bit of added flair, we added some pretty white sprinkles.

One note about the cake bites … if you are going to make these ahead of a party, store them in the refrigerator in an airtight container because unlike a cupcake that is protected by a cupcake liner, the sides of the cake bite are exposed and will dry out if left out too long.  But these are so easy to make, timing shouldn’t be a problem and everyone at your party will love them!

These Champagne Cakes Bites are really yummy (and just a little bit fancy.)  The Champagne Buttercream Frosting is to die for … thick and sweet with just a hint of champagne flavor.  Tasty and pretty and super fun! It’s a Two Sisters’ trifecta.

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**This post contains affiliate links but we only recommend products that we actually used and liked. Thanks for supporting Two Sisters Crafting!

**This post contains affiliate links but we only recommend products that we actually used and liked. Thanks for supporting Two Sisters Crafting!

P.S. Let's stay in touch! If you liked our Champagne Cake Bites post, follow us on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram!